Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Have a Good Night, Kids!

There's a terrifying story that goes along with this picture. I was sitting on my bed with my laptop. It was exactly midnight. I was bored and my internet connection was lousy so I pulled up MS Paint. I like to fool around on it sometimes when I've got nothing else to do. The next thing I know, this picture is on my laptop exactly as you see it right now. I hear a splat. I look down to see a drop of blood on my key board. My nose is gushing blood. This is odd, since I can't ever remember having had a nose bleed in my entire life. I reach over to my nightstand to grab a tissue. My alarm clock, next to the box of tissues proclaims the time to be, in big, red letters, 1:00 AM. I have no recollection of the events that have occurred in the past hour or any idea why this picture is there.

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