Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

A HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY (Researched Entirely on Wikipedia) (by an idiot)

Electricity was invinted by Ben ;Franklin in the mid-1800's. However, it took a long time for sience to develop it so that it was safe enough for every day useing. And it wasn't placed in people's home's until 1969. It brought with it a TECNOLOGICAL WONDER- Indoor Plumbing! Before electricity broght indoor plumbing into citizen's houses, people would just shit outside and cover it up with leafs. Also, there was no toilet paper, so they would wipe themselves with leafs, to. Thanks to the Toilet, and Toilet Paper they no longer had to do that stuff, anymore.

After electricity made everybody's life easier with Indoor Plumbing, many invintions came out for people's use. Such as the television. The television was fisrt developed in 1978 as a proto-type in a lab in Conniticit. The first actual television set was sold in the United States Of America on October 2, 1979. It was bought by Mr. Rockafeller for seven straw pennies. And soon, EVERYbody had one!

A couple of years after television was discovered, the sell phone was made. (It was named "sell phone" b/c it sold very well when it came out.) The first one wayed 60 pounds and was carried around in a book bag. Only swanky bisness men were aloud to have one.

The invintion of the camera happened in 1985 with the invintion of the Polaroid witch aloud people to to develop there very own fotos in ther very own dark rooms! (It was easy to find dark rooms back then b/c the litebulb wasn't made until sometime in 1992.)

Later, somebody (I forgot his name) got the idea to combine the camera and the sell phnoe to make a camra phone. (The early models were just Polaroid Camras ducktaped to a phone. Duck tape having been invinted the year before.)

In 1998, the Internet was discovered, but it had to wait for Bill Gates to invint the computer. But once he did later that year, the Internet was a BIG HIT! And we still use the Internet to this very day!

Some More Cards

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Expanding My Herizons ( is that how you spell it?)

So, I haven't posted anything in a while. The short answer is, just in case you wanted to know (you didn't), I just don't feel like being funny. (Not that I usually am, anyway.) So here's my "serious" blog. It doesn't have as many jokes about dicks, but it has stories and drawings and stuff, so that's cool, I guess. Don't worry, I won't bore you with the minutiae of my daily life. So, follow the link and have fun, kids!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Have a Good Night, Kids!

There's a terrifying story that goes along with this picture. I was sitting on my bed with my laptop. It was exactly midnight. I was bored and my internet connection was lousy so I pulled up MS Paint. I like to fool around on it sometimes when I've got nothing else to do. The next thing I know, this picture is on my laptop exactly as you see it right now. I hear a splat. I look down to see a drop of blood on my key board. My nose is gushing blood. This is odd, since I can't ever remember having had a nose bleed in my entire life. I reach over to my nightstand to grab a tissue. My alarm clock, next to the box of tissues proclaims the time to be, in big, red letters, 1:00 AM. I have no recollection of the events that have occurred in the past hour or any idea why this picture is there.