Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weekday Comics Massacre

I'd provide a link for those of you who don't know what tentacle rape is, but ignorance is bliss.

I realize that there is not nearly enough Family Circus, but don't worry, there'll be more soon.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


We all know the Sunday comics suck. They're not dirty enough to be funny. They're not even funny by clean standards. Especially The Family Circus. Jesus, I hate the Family Circus. Anyway, I've fixed the comics to make them on teh images to enlarge them, my tech-savvy friends Enjoy! (PS, this is probably the first installment of many. You're welcome.)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Clowns: A (Poorly) Written Anaysis

Have you ever asked yourself why clowns exist? To terrify children? (It is fun.)

Honestly, do you know any kids who actually enjoy clowns? I don't. I can remember being three years old and thinking how stupid clowns were. and lots of kids run, screaming in terror whenever a clown comes anywhere near them.

There's a reason that the villain in Stephen King's "It" was a clown. There's a reason the Joker is a clown. And that reason is clowns are creepy. Whe you think "clown" what's the fist thing that come to your mind? Balloon animals? Baggy clothes? Silly shenanigans involving banana cream pies? No, you think pedophile or guy who kills hookers, hides them in their basement, and wears their skin like a coat.

Most people who have jobs as clowns don't do that. (Probably) They're most likely people who need a little extra money or people who made terrible life choices. But according to a very trustworthy source, (a comment on Youtube) the reason clowns give us the heebie-jeebies is their painted-up faces. They always have that eerie grin. And because their entire face is hidden by makeup, it creates a kind of uncanny valley effect. Well, that and the fact that they're adults who make careers out of entertaining and handing things out to children they don't know.

So, with all the reasons there are to hate clowns, why do we still have them around. Why don't we send them all to Creepy Clown Island? (Worst vacation EVER.) Well, it's getting late. Maybe you should

All right, Sport, sweet dreams.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fat Disney Princesses

these are fat disney princesses. i'm probably violating some kind of copyright here. i edited them in ms paint. anyway, ENJOY! p.s.- i can't think of anything for mulan to say, but, feel free to give me some suggestions.


I made a new blog! I've never really had the urge to blog, but a little while ago, i said "OH, TO HELL WITH IT," because I yell everthing I say, "I WILL MAKE A BLOG." Also, i don't use contractions. I did it for no particular reason, so don't ask why. Right now, I have nothing to say. But stay tuned, I will defenatly write something witty and/or quirky soon. Or, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll just forget I even have a blog like I forgot I had a Myspace after I got a Facebook. (Myspace, a Place for Pedofiles.) So, good-bye, dear friends. I shall see you soon. Or maybe not. Really, why would I give a shiznit?