Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I'm thinking of moving all the posts I've made on this blog to my other blog, d-bo9000.blogspot.com. I don't like havng two blogs. I mean, it's not like they're specificly about two different things. I was going to do that originally, but it didn't work out that way. I chose D-b 9,ooo because I recently gave it a face lift and now it looks much awesom-er than this one.
Also, it has a much smaller and less confusing url. So, after this post, I will no longer be updating this blog. From now on, SCM will be posted on D-bo 9,000. So, don't worry, my dear reader (I put no 's' at the end of that on purpose.) I will still be blogging and SCM will continue. Just not here.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hey, I'm Back! With SCM, Mutha Fucka!

Jeez Louise! It's been over two months since I've posted here. But, in my defense, it gets pretty tiresome making the same three jokes over and over again. Anyway, here's what you probably haven't been waiting for.

And since I've been away for such a long time I offer you something I like to call "The Best Thing Ever" in liue of an actual apology.
Upon further inspection, it turns out that that doesn't animate. So, instead of that, please enjoy this.